One of my 2023 favorites…

I Am Debora Lee: A Memoir was the most honest storytelling I’ve ever experienced. I feel like I know this woman, long time CEO of B.E.T., and I LOVE HER, her transparency & courage to share on polarizing moves she’s made along the way. Experiencing this up-close look at this black media maven’s story is a true honor.

Throughout the read, you’ll witness Debora Lee’s decision making process throughout her life, watch her leadership qualities grow, and see her GRIT to push through her fear of public speaking. She is a legend!

She gives all of the tea on her experiences with celebrities, executives and family members. Her fascinating life & career inspires me to dream big and be patient with change. Debora shows us how far we’ve come, and reminds us of how far we have to go, for equity & inclusion of the entire black community.

Shout out to Jasmine Sweet, another black female inspiration, who shared this book with me. I look forward to reading your book some day… xx


this book will change your mind… Burn the boats!


How do you get negative energy out of your body?